Saturday, September 7, 2013

How the Library Ended My Shopping Urges

I am not a huge shopper, except when my husband has frustrated me to no end. You know those times, when he doesn't hear a word you are saying; or doesn't offer help around the house when you are obviously drowning in laundry, dishes, toys and dust. When you ask him why he hasn't REALLY cleaned or picked up in awhile, and his response (with shock in his face) is, "why didn't you just ask?" I can't run fast enough to the mini-van, to the store and to that shopping cart! (Also known to fill up that cart via online.) It is my release!

Or, I shop like crazy when we happen to have a bonus of cash in the bank and I go into organizing ocd mode. Rubbermaid boxes keep calling my name from those aisles in the big-box stores. You know what I mean. All of those bright colors! All of those different sizes! Oh, the things you can (store) do!

Well, not too many of us have had that extra cash in the bank the last few years, in this horrid economy, so we have had to adapt.

I ask for help now, and although my husband over-kills it (he always "exceeds expectations"-a rule in our house), I am happy to have his help (even though I have to make a list-I despise having to make a list; "can't you see the mess right in front of you, or the mold growing in the toilet!")

When in organizing ocd mode (I always ocd on my projects), I re-purpose our containers and go to a Dollar Store for smaller ones, to re-organize and pick up the house and school supplies.

Still, I get the urge to shop, since it hasn't been too often these past couple of years that we have had that extra cash (and quite frankly, I miss that), so I fill in that need with the library! My kids and I, sometimes I get lucky and get to go by myself on the weekends, head to the library once or twice a week. The purpose is tri-fold.

First, we always need to gather material for school. This is usually in the form of history biographies, or living history type books; documentaries for history or science; a classic fiction book for reading and its counterpart in a movie. My second oldest plays piano, so I try to throw in some classical music to force-feed him during our studies, though he insists on contemporary only. (A mom can try, right?)

Second, we pick out fun (educational) movies for the girls; fun books for all of the kids; and a family movie for the weekend.

We get two full, reusable bags each time.

I still have to visit weekly or twice a week.

I don't always have to.

I just need to.

This is my third reason.

It is a blast for me to fill up those bags and then fill up four little heads when I get home. I always try to get a fun book for me, but end up with educational books to help me with school or child-raising instead. That's okay.

This is how I stay away from shopping. This is how I am able to stay happily married. The library keeps my credit cards empty and our heads full!

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