Friday, August 30, 2013

Why You Shouldn't Potty Train Until 3 Years of Age

Oh, the pressure! No, not the pressure "to go", but the pressure to put that baby on the potty "to go". This pressure that is put on parents of babies and toddlers, by grandparents, aunts, friends and day care professionals, can be quite stressful. Here is why I have decided that it is just not worth the effort to potty train before 3 years of age.

Our first born was in no hurry to get rid of the diaper. His preschool was, however. So, we trained for the next year. For a whole 12 months we put the kid on and off of the potty, all the while continuing diapers.  We tried the run-around all day on the non-carpeted floors without a diaper, or pants even, bringing the potty into the room with us. We tried the Fruit Loop target in the toilet too. He knew the process and hardly made an accident, but refused to go until we put a diaper on him. He would hold it for a day and a half, until finally, we would give in and put the disposable thing on him.  He would go and we would change. So tiring. So frustrating! He was 3 and a half before he was going into the potty on his own.

Our second born was in no rush to join the ranks at preschool. Two weeks was enough for him and we were told, by him, that there was no way he is going back to preschool! We taught him at home. We cherished the mommy and me classes at the community center and the time at home snuggling on the couch and playing at the park. After he blew out the 3 candles on his birthday cake, we started potty training. He was done with diapers in 24 hours.  That was it. Not a single accident. Not a wet bed. Done!

Our third born wanted to be potty trained at 2 years and a month old; right after her little sister was brought home from the hospital and had to have her diaper changed often.  She claimed that she wasn't a baby and so she didn't need diapers like a baby. Two months later, we were at an amusement park all day long, for my first born's 12th. birthday. Of course, Miss third born wanted to continue her potty training and practiced three times every hour in the public restrooms. So tiring! So germ-filled! Ten months later and after a year of this potty training-a full 12 months-she was done with the diaper! She was 3 years and a month old. Still, those urine-covered potty seats and those filled little potties that also leaked all over, were no picnic either, and it took yet another 12 months before she didn't need those anymore. Free finally at 4.

The fourth born is now exactly 2 years and 6 months old. She requested the pink potty. I obliged-rolling my eyes-and opened it up for her to sit down upon. She filled it up. So proud was she! So fake excited was I! Here we go again....
My guess is that she will be done, the day after she turns 3!

ANY comments or suggestions? Feel free to let 'em rip!

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