Monday, September 9, 2013

Parenting Successes and Fails

Let me share with you, my fails, and my kids' successes this week. Then, let me let you in on a secret: I am going to claim those wins as my own, as well as my husband's.  (Big grins and high fives!)

Let me start by introducing you to our 14 year old, Hunter. He is a huge blessing to us. In my book, he is a hero. 

He is the reason that I quit smoking (months before getting pregnant with him, to prepare to receive this precious gift). That was huge!

Unfortunately, he was still given all of the woes that I have had to deal with and more. Hunter has allergies, asthma, scoliosis, hip displacement, walking difficulties, sensory issues and Asperger's.  The way he has handled his life has been amazing in the fact that he has never given up. He finds the positives and accepts what he has been given, ultimately accepting himself. That is huge, especially for a teenager. Hunter has not a single real friend outside of our family, yet he is content with his online gamer friends and knows that this is his comfort zone right now and is fine with that.

Hunter had many, many friends in school, but the bullies and teachers who have misunderstood him, made school a miserable place to be. Three schools later and with the same situations in all of them, we decided to homeschool.

He was the initial reason that we homeschool. What a blessing that has brought to our lives! What a gift Hunter has given us!

With his difficulties walking, asking Hunter to join us on walks outside, is a big deal. We are asking him to do what is uncomfortable and very painful for him.

Yet, on his first day of school, he joined us on our walk!

Then, two minutes into the walk, he tripped on the edge of the sidewalk and ripped open his knee. It was brutal and bloody. He insisted on not turning back, but to keep on walking until we completed our trip. He didn't want to disappoint his three siblings. WOW!

I was so proud of him!

We ended up going to the doctor the next day, because it was infected, even after our cleaning and first aid procedure. He is now a trooper on antibiotics!


Parker is our second born. He had survived two near-death experiences in the same week, as a two-week old. He has always been "our little Pastor". He decided to homeschool, because he doesn't like to be around "rule breakers" and crowds at school. He is a hard worker, very mature and helps his family out tremendously. Need I brag more?

As of yesterday, we hadn't been to church for the last five years. I have kept the family out of church for two reasons. I couldn't stand the way the kids in Sunday School treated Hunter. I also can't stand the way religion treats the gay community.

Parker has wanted to get back to church though, for awhile. I told him we would find one this fall. He would not let me give up on going to a new church (always an uncomfortable situation for me), even though I have been exhausted this past month. (We have had a really rough month.)

So, this past Sunday, my "little" boy, who hasn't been to church since he was six years old, brought his mom to a new church. He was so comfortable in his church surroundings. I was so proud of him! We had an AWESOME time, just the two of us! We then went to lunch and discussed how we couldn't wait to go back!


We were pregnant with our Natie, the EXACT day after we decided that foster care and adoption would not work for us (even after weeks of classes, months of preparing, and years of saving for it). We were so excited!

She is feisty, stubborn and smart. She is a true red-head! She is hard to raise, but we know that she will make it in this world as an adult, and that in itself is comforting! She also insists on staying homeschooled and I couldn't be happier!

We were swimming in the lake all summer and each time, she begged for us to take her to swim classes. As the neighbor girl keeps bragging about her dance class and gymnastics class (which Natie dropped out of), Natie is reminded about how much she wants to take swim classes.

Two weeks ago, I signed her up for them. Natie's excitement built and built! The day of the class was a long one, as she kept begging to know the time; and how much longer she had to wait to go to this 6pm class.

5:15pm rolled around and I checked the website to make sure I didn't have to swim with her in this particular class and that we were ready to go. It stated that classes were moved up a half an hour!  Oh no!!!! We raced to the car, dragging Parker and dad with us.

When we got there, we were told that she was signed up for the WRONG CLASS!!!! THERE WERE ZERO OPENINGS AVAILABLE FOR HER AS WELL!!!

She was obviously disappointed and quietly expressed that a few times, but accepted our peace offering of ice cream and a promise of signing up for "next swim session". She held her composure.

WOW! What a four year old! We were so proud of her! 

(I wanted to cry for her disappointment-but held it together in the face of a pre-schooler.)


Lila is our feisty, very smart, extremely strong, two year old. Although all of our children are a gift from God, I know that Lila was truly "gifted" to us, from God. We didn't ask for her, like the other three babies. We had planned on finishing our family with Natalie. Still, Lila was a pleasant surprise and one we needed. 

She is Natalie's Best Friend and Grandma Mary's little shadow; she brightens Grandma's gloomiest days, exactly at a time in life that Grandma needs her to the most. Lila has also given me one last phase in life, to snuggle and squeeze a precious baby. That is truly a Gift from God!

Lila is following the path of her siblings, loving the "schooling" part of the day the most! She dotes on each brother and sister and truly loves her family.


Parents fail on a weekly basis. We may yell, swear, roughly sit a kid on the time-out step, or accidently schedule the wrong class-or even forget to sign them up-a time or two.

Our successes are what matters most, however. I believe that the greatest successes come in the form of character traits.

When a child loves God; adores his/her family; enjoys learning about the world around them; and takes disappointments in stride, knowing tomorrow brings a new day-you have succeeded as a parent!

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